So you are building your first patio using AB
Courtyard. You have prepared your base, and you are ready to start laying your first
course of block. You have laid out your walls. You’ve determined the best
starting point—usually a corner or post—and you started laying your first
course of block. Everything is going great, until you pick up your first AB
Dublin. You set it down next to an AB York and the points are angled the wrong
way. You spin it around 180 degrees. It still doesn’t work! This stupid block
was manufactured backwards! What gives? What sadist would make a block this
way? Does Allan Block enjoy watching me suffer? Have no fear. Everything is going to be alright. There are a number
of ways for you to overcome this monumental obstacle standing between you and
your perfect patio.
Option 1:The
first option for getting back on track is to set another AB York in your wall.
Every time you put a York into the wall the long point will alternate what side
of the wall it is on. Don’t have enough room for an added York in your wall?
Option 2: Try
grabbing a different AB Dublin. Two thirds of all AB Dublins are manufactured
to face in one direction and the remaining third face in the other direction.
The reason for this is simple. It optimizes the space needed within the mold
used to produce the block. You can’t find any of the AB Dublins that are angled
in the direction that you are looking for?
Option 3: A
third option is to simply flip the AB Dublin that you are using upside down.
Doing this will reverse the orientation of the AB Dublin, and get you back on
track. We recommend doing this as your last option. The raised rings on top of
the AB Dublin hold the course above in place. You should take care to use
construction adhesive if the stability of your wall is a concern.
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