May 17, 2019

What are the capping options for AB Fence?

Written by Chad Julius

Capping the AB Fence is like the icing on the cake.  The structural requirements are done so now you are just putting the finishing options together.  Typically, the AB Fence is finished by using the AB Fence Cap Block. This is just glued on top of the panel and post blocks with a high-quality construction adhesive. 

The same cap is used for both the panels and posts to simplify the process. 
The real fun comes by creating by varying the panel and post heights.  We recommend the Castellated Finish for the AB Fence by constructing the posts one block taller than the panels. 

However, you can get creative and extend the posts even taller and have iron or steel fencing between them.  Whatever, you decide to do the AB Fence Cap Block is glued in place to finish the top of the panels and posts. For more information on capping and finishing options for your Allan Block Fence, visit our website at

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