February 19, 2016

Turn It Up – By Turning Your Retaining Wall In

Have an area in your yard you want to enhance?  Make more usable space? Build a planter?  Whatever the project you are building, there is always a beginning and an end.  Both parts are equally important but how you end your wall can really change to the look and feel of your project as well as the functionality of the area.  Before you start your project you need to ask yourself a few questions.  How is this wall going to end?  Is it a corner? Is it a step down or a terrace? Or is it my favorite… a turn into the hillside kind of ending?  

While all good choices, the turn in is my personal favorite.  It is the no-muss, no-fuss answer to most wall ending projects.  It’s an easy solution, and Allan Block has all the answers on their website, www.allanblock.com.  Visit their page on Step Downs/Turn-ins to get all the details and turn up the beauty and functionality of your wall with Allan Block!

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